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A honeypot trap involves creating a form with an extra field that is hidden to human visitors but readable by robots. The robot fills out the invisible field and submits the form, leaving you to simply ignore their spammy submission or blacklist their IP. It’s a very simple concept that can be implemented in a few minutes and it just works – add them to your contact and submission forms to help reduce spam. Prerequisites: This version of the bundle requires Symfony 2.1+ Installation: Step 1: Download EoHoneypotBundle using Composer Add EoHoneypotBundle to your project by running the command: $ composer require eo/honeypot-bundle Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/eo directory. Step 2: Enable the bundle If you use Symfony Flex - skip this step. Otherwise, enable the bundle in bundles.php: <?php // config/bundles.php <?php return [ // ... Eo\HoneypotBundle\EoHoneypotBundle::class => ['all' => true], ]; Step 3 (optional): Configure bundle to use database To save honeypot catched requests into the database, you have to enable it in your configuration file: All parameters are optional # config/packages/eo