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I got pretty tired of decompiling Android apps with a bunch of steps that I had to remember all the time. It involved a lot of apktool, dex2jar, and jd-gui; it still confuses me. Further, even after these steps were complete (usually a combination of dex2jar and JD-GUI), I would be left with disparate sources of information; the decompiled Java would be over here in this directory, while the un-DEXed content would be somewhere else (Really bad for importing into Eclipse!) I basically wanted to make this generate a tree and source as close as possible to what the original Android developer sees. One thing that existing decompilers don't do is regenerate R references; this tool includes a script that makes an attempt to do this. Which gives you more insight when you're reading source code? View v = inflater.inflate(217994357, container, false); or View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.result_panel, container, false); Now you can easily see and search for what resource is doing what, without needing to file-search for some opaque int. Note: This process relies on guesses and