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Umbrella Investigate provides an API that allows querying for: Domain categorization, Security information about a domain, Co-occurrences for a domain, Related domains for a domain, Domains related to an IP, Domain tagging dates for a domain, DNS RR history for a domain, WHOIS information, WHOIS information for an email, WHOIS information for a nameserver, Historical WHOIS information for a domain, Latest malicious domains for an IP. To use the Investigate API wrapper import InvestigateApi class from threat_intel.opendns module: from threat_intel.opendns import InvestigateApi. To initialize the API wrapper you need the API key: investigate = InvestigateApi("<INVESTIGATE-API-KEY-HERE>"). You can also specify a file name where the API responses will be cached in a JSON file, to save you the bandwidth for the multiple calls about the same domains or IPs: investigate = InvestigateApi("<INVESTIGATE-API-KEY-HERE>", cache_file_name="/tmp/cache.opendns.json"). Domain categorization Calls domains/categorizat