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A library for generating random numbers and strings of various strengths. This library is useful in security contexts. Install Via Composer $ composer require ircmaxell/random-lib Usage Factory A factory is used to get generators of varying strength: $factory = new RandomLib\Factory; $generator = $factory->getGenerator(new SecurityLib\Strength(SecurityLib\Strength::MEDIUM)); A factory can be configured with additional mixers and sources but can be used out of the box to create both medium and low strength generators. Convenience methods are provided for creating high, medium, and low strength generators. Example: $generator = $factory->getMediumStrengthGenerator(); $factory->getLowStrengthGenerator() Convenience method to get a low strength random number generator. Low Strength should be used anywhere that random strings are needed in a non-cryptographical setting. They are not strong enough to be used as keys or salts. They are however useful for one-time use tokens. $factory->getMediumStrengthGenerator() Convenience method to get a medium strength random number generator. Medium Strength should be used for most needs of a cryptographic nature. They are strong enough to