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Brian Krebs is a renowned cybersecurity journalist and blogger, known for his in-depth reporting on cybercrime and cybersecurity issues. He is the author of the popular blog, where he shares his expertise and insights on various cybersecurity topics. With a non-technical background, Krebs has developed a deep understanding of computer security through his experiences and interactions with top cybersecurity experts. His journey into cybersecurity began when his home network was hacked by a Chinese hacking group in 2001, which sparked his interest in learning about computer and internet security. Since then, he has become a respected voice in the cybersecurity community, known for his investigative reporting and ability to explain complex cybersecurity issues in an accessible way. Krebs has worked as a reporter for The Washington Post and has written hundreds of stories on cybersecurity topics. He has also been featured in various media outlets, including The New York Times, Business Week, and NPR.