Prompt(1) to Win Logo

Prompt(1) to Win

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A simple text viewer that allows you to view and interact with the output of a Prompt(1) session. Features: * View output of a Prompt(1) session * Interact with the output using keyboard commands Note: This tool is designed for use with Prompt(1) sessions, and may not work with other types of output.



A blog sharing packet capture files and malware samples for training and analysis, with archived posts and traffic analysis exercises.

A website scanner that provides a sandbox for the web, allowing users to scan URLs and websites for potential threats and vulnerabilities.

A printer honeypot PoC that simulates a printer on a network to detect and analyze potential attackers.

A multiplatform C++ library for capturing, parsing, and crafting network packets with support for various network protocols.

AWS Network Firewall provides fine-grained control over network traffic and enables easy deployment of firewall security.

A command line tool for running SQL queries on PCAP files with various output options and a simplistic web-server.

A tool for enumerating X-Forwarded-For headers in HTTP requests

A fast CLI tool to find SSRF or Out-of-band resource load

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